The World of Doran Studio

Blog-O-Kat (vintage posts)

A Gold Award Project

Meet Kat.  Katarina Marie Hernandez.  Kat is a Girl Scout who is working toward her Gold Award, the most prestigious scouting award there is.  I never made it to Girl Scout.  I was a Brownie who refused to fly up! I thought the term sounded stupid.  Boy, was I ever wrong about that.  Over the years I have come to have great respect for the Girl Scouts and their training.  And so, I am humbled to be asked to be an advisor for a Gold Award.  I also like that Kat and I have such similar names.  My middle name also happens to be Marie.


Kat's project:  Restoration of Mosaics at Calvary Hill Cemetery, Dallas, TX

The mosaic monument was fabricated by Kat's Great Uncle, Joacquin Medrano, under the supervision of Octavio Medellin.  Octavio Medellin was one of the founders of the Creative Arts Center where I now teach mosaic art classes.  Octavio Medellin's grave is found facing this very monument.  Kat's project will restore the sections of mosaic that have come apart.  She will honor her ancestors by caring for their creations, and she will provide our community with a piece of history so readily forgotten.  If not for Kat and her Gold Award Project, the mosaic monument would have been torn down as it continued to need restoration.  It's time now to SAVE THE MOSAICS!!!

Kat has her work cut out for her.  She says she will start a blog so I don't want to say too much here until she does.  Once started, we will link our blogs to keep you posted on the project.